I've not even really left my flat today, well that's not true, I left briefly to walk down the hill to buy food for dinner, but that's it. Tomorrow promises to be more interesting, however. I'm going down to the SU to pick up my ID card, and hopefully explore a bit, break up the boredom!
Honestly though, so far my feelings towards uni as a whole are pretty negative. The fact I can't play games on my computer sucks, but to be honest the real thing bothering me is that I'm alone. Yes, there are people in my flat, and they seem like nice people, but I'm effectively trapped, on my own, in a strange city. The reality of everything is setting in, and it's a harsh one. The next few weeks are not going to be easy, but they will define my experience.
I have a sort of "daily quotes" calendar, with a thought, quote or bible verse for each day of the year, and today, of course, I get this:

Honestly, at this point I'm pretty convinced I'm being laughed at. University is the complete opposite of easy for me. I'm in a place that, although it is my home, feels nothing like home, with people that, although they live with me, feel nothing like my family, and if I don't actively go out and get food to eat I won't be able to eat. You could hardly have thrown me in more of a deep end. In the space of under a day, my entire life has changed, and right now all I want is to see a familiar face, but the only familiar faces are 100 miles away. I want to go home, but my home is here now, in Cardiff, and running away is never going to solve anything. I just have to make the best of it...
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