Thursday, 29 December 2016

A countdown to the end...

No, this really isn't as ominous as the title might make it sound, or maybe it is, who knows... We're coming to the end of what for many, and not just me, has been a really difficult and challenging year.

I'm not going to use this as an opportunity to talk about "Brexit", Donald Trump, war, the refugee crisis, Harambe or any of the other well known figures we've lost this year. I'm also not going to use this as an opportunity to talk about why 2016 has been probably the most difficult year ever for me personally, since you've probably at this point gotten fed up of hearing it. Before I begin though, I do have one request. I know that most of the people reading this probably don't do this sort of thing, but I just ask that, those that do, please pray for the year ahead, for me, and for all of us, because quite frankly we're likely to need all the help we can get...

I found this picture a while back, as a winning piece of artwork in a competition, and I think it fits quite well with what I want to talk about, but because I guarantee that I'm going to be the only person who even vaguely understands what this is I suppose an explanation is probably necessary.

The angelic creature with the sword is Commander Zilyana, an Icyene and a general in the army of Saradomin, god of order and light. The demonic creature in the fire is Nymora, one of the twin furies and a creature of Zamorak, god of chaos and darkness.

It shouldn't take a genius then (even without me explaining it) to work out that these two are pretty much mortal enemies, but also by looking at the picture you get a pretty good sense that Nymora as an entity is considerably more powerful than Zilyana, and here's where I think things get interesting.

Zilyana is me, Nymora is the year ahead, and all the stuff I'm facing. I'm not suggesting that as a person I relate particularly closely to Zilyana, because in reality I really don't, but just for a second try to put yourself in her shoes. You're faced with a foe you have no hope of defeating, but if you can't beat them they will destroy you and everything you've ever known. You could give up, running away in an attempt to save yourself but in doing so accept this fate, or you can put everything you have into taking down this adversary. What would you do? Fight, or flee?

Looking at it, the decision is obvious, you'd fight right? Well, it's one thing thinking about it, and another thing entirely to live it, and living it is exactly what I have to do now.

The thing with the impossible is that it doesn't exist, not really. No matter how bad your situation might be, there is always ALWAYS an out, a way to overcome that which holds you down. Sometimes it requires an incredible amount of courage to defeat our fear of what lies ahead, but it is through winning these unwinnable battles that we grow as people. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but that isn't the point. To borrow a quote from Lindsey Stirling: "Sometimes we have to take a step into the dark before we can see the light." 

I don't know much, but if I do know one thing, it's that although 2016 has been incredibly difficult for me as a person, 2017 is likely to be infinitely more so. I've won this battle, it's time I turned to face the next one... 

This ends now.

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