Monday, 6 February 2017


OK, I've put this off long enough, it's about time you guys all found out what it is I've been hiding from you the past week and a bit. On January 20th 2017 I recieved an email from Chris North, admissions tutor and organiser of outreach things. The subject? Undergraduate Insiders.

You might be wondering at this point: "what the heck is one of those"
Essentially, an undergraduate insider is a student at Cardiff University who blogs about their life, to give people an idea of what being here is really like. Unlike what you might find in a prospectus, insiders are in no way obligated to paint everything in a rosy hue to draw you in, the idea is more to be informative to new and current students, by talking about the ups, and the downs, of uni life.

You can probably guess where this is going...

Due to  the natural progression of life, most of the previous insiders had either left or simply decided not to continue with it. This meant they were looking for new members of the team.

It was sort of one of those things where you just say "Screw it, I'm not sure I'm good enough, but I do this anyway, so I might as well go for it right?" so I sent off an application, complete with a link to a post on this blog "Induction"

I have no idea how this happened, but I guess they must have liked it, because a few days later I got an email saying I'd been accepted. Talk about unexpected! As of January 27th 2017 I am now an official Cardiff University Undergraduate insider. I have a new blog on the official Cardiff University website: and you are more than welcome to follow this one as well ;)

I should stress that this absolutely does not mean the end of "The Entity" my goal is to have my new insider blog be much more practical, dealing more with the real life aspect of settling in, assignments and the ups and downs of life in general. The Entity will remain exactly as it always has been, and in fact the only thing you really need to worry about now that I have two blogs is that I'm going to be putting out twice as much content and you won't have time to read it all!

Welcome to my world...

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